West Highland Way
96 miles

The 154Km (96miles) Route starts at Milngavie passes through Mugdock Country Park, follows the shores of Loch Lomond, passing Ben Lomond, through Glen Falloch and Strathfillan, crossing Rannoch Moor, past 
Buachaille Etive Mor to the head of Glencoe, climbing the Devil’s Staircase, descending to  the Loch Leven before entering Lairigmor and 
Glen Nevis and finishes at Gordon Square in Fort William
Click on picture above to get our most up to date location
Click on picture above to get our most up to date location

I am really enjoying long distance walking and felt the need to complete the West Highland Way.

I was hoping to do it with Gavin but unfortunately he has too much on having gone back to studying!

Good luck with your exams😉

I am therefore planning on doing this walk with Densum Ranger and a few others.

The old man is on his own!


We plan to walk the whole way over 9 days and wild camp carrying all our equipment. 9 days gives us time to slow down and enjoy the great outdoors.

On Saturday 2nd of May we  head for Dumfries train station. 

We catch the Dumfries to Glasgow train
Then catch the Glasgow to Milngavie Train
Milngavie is where we  start the walk.

Day 1 Saturday 02/05/2015

Milngavie to Drymen 11 miles 

Very easy first day.
When we arrived at Milngavie the weather was perfect for walking and after a few photos we were off.
No real hills today. The weather forecast for tomorrow is awful.
Dug in for the night at Easter Drumquhassle Nr Drymen. Can't believe the amount of people doing the walk from various nations.
After a btl of wine and few Glavya it's time for Bo bo's goodnight all.
Cluckie, Derek, Tom, Mark, Martin and Kenny
Cluckie, Derek, Tom, Mark, Martin and Kenny
Day 2 Sunday 03/05/2015

Drymen to Balmaha 10 miles Total 21 miles.

Well the forecast did not let us down from the minute we woke it was torrential rain.
After some breakfast and getting the water proofs on we head for the hills.
Today it's over Conic Hill OMG was it wild the wind was blowing a gale and it was driving ice cold rain at us most of the morning.
By the time we reached Balmaha everyone's gear had let them down and we were all soaked to the skin. Decided to have a meal and a pint to lift our spirits. Tent up and in bed listening to the rain beating down two campsites closed nearby due to flooding happy days. Night all catch u tomorrow..

Looking worried on Conic Hill
Looking worried on Conic Hill
Day 3 Monday 04/05/2015

Balmaha to Inverarnan 21 miles Total 42 miles.

Hi fokes
Last night was more rain most of the night but this morning there is a yellow thing in the sky not sure how long it will stay?
After packing the tents up still wet we head off. Derek, Kenny, Tom and Mark are planning to stay over at Rowchoish Bothy another 10 miles on. 
All the best and thanks for your company. We will keep in touch. Take care!
Myself and Martin decide to head on further.
We have the best bacon sandwich I have ever tasted at Rowardennan then we head for Invernaid. The sun is out and it's a fantastic day. 
The path down the side of Loch Lomand starts to get rough and very rocky. Miles and miles of climbing over rocks with 16kg backpacks on makes for a really hard day! Muscles now ache I never knew I had.
After a really hard day we set up our tents and head for the famous Drovers Inn 5 mins from us for a well deserved pint. Tomorrow the forecast is bad more wind and rain we are heading for Tyndrum and the halfway point. 
Until then goodnight!
Day 4 Tuesday 05/05/2015

Inverarnan to Tyndrum 12 miles Total 54 miles.

Today we have checked the weather and more rain is on the way!
So we are up and packed dry ready to go by 7am.
We are keeping up with a team of Marine cadets  from the Netherlands oh did I tell you they are carrying 30Kg. 
Leaving Beinglas Farm its dry but overcast about a mile on and the heavens open.
What else can I tell you we have made it past half way soaked to the skin again.
We arrive at Tyndrum at lunch time and I pick up new supplies I had sent on. Tonight we are staying in the By The Way Hostel got the last 2 beds will give us the chance to dry out before heading for Glencoe. 
Heading for a wee pint now😉.

Quick update we got a txt from the other 4 and they have made it to Beinglas Farm so well done. Keep your chins up the weather has not been kind to us!
Take care all

Marine cadets getting ready to move on
Marine cadets getting ready to move on
We're already packed Martin washing things in the river before we leave
We're already packed Martin washing things in the river before we leave
Very wet half way to Tyndrum
Very wet half way to Tyndrum
Day 5 Wednesday 06/05/2015

Tyndrum to Glencoe 20 miles Total 74 miles.

Today we have a late start Leaving Tyndrum around 9:30.
Today we are joined by Conny who is German but living in South France. Conny was doing The West Highland Way with her German Friends but unfortunately they have found the challenge to difficult and are getting the train to Fort William so she will try and finish with us.
It's overcast and drizzling rain the forecast is not that good and we have a long day.
We're not far up the track and were down to tea shirts and it's looking nice?
The first 7 miles is easy and takes us to our first fuel stop at the Bridge of Orkey.
Next we head for Inveroran only 3 miles away passing Ian Flemings estate (James Bond) to a fuel stop at the Inveroran hotel.
The wild goats are not so wild and looking for food.
Next we climb out and onto Rannoch Moor 10 miles to go!
We only have a couple of short showers today and it's been a perfect temperature for walking.
Most of the day is spent on cobbled tracks which is sore on the feet and I have my first very small blister on my left toe!
We drop down towards Glencoe village stopping at Kingshouse Hotel before settling down for the night.
Tomorrow we head for Kinlochleven over the Devils staircase!
Until then goodnight

James Bond Estate
James Bond Estate
Day 6 Thursday 07/05/2015

Glencoe to Kinlochleven  8 miles Total 82 miles.

This morning the wind is freezing and we are slow to start but we have a short day after yesterday. 
Leaving Kinghouse it's very cold and overcast heading towards Altnafeadh then it's up over the Devils Staircase. What a climb! and with 16Kg on your back it's slow going as we approach the summit it starts to snow. The views are out of this world. We turn over the summit to make our decent and take a battering from the wind which is now blowing towards us. It's not long before the snow stops and the wind dies down as we descend into Kinglochleven. I have another parcel to pick up at the Post Office so now showered and changed we are heading for a well deserved pint.
Tomorrow we head for Fort William and the finish😉. We have booked into a Hostel for the night and if the weather is kind to us we are considering climbing Ben Nevis on Saturday.

Only one blister on my left toe so I'm a happy chappy!
It's great seeing people along the way and checking how they are doing  7 of the cadets have threw in the towel due to injuries so only 12 left. We have not heard from our other 4 since they were at the Drovers.

Sitting having a pint here hope your not working to hard!
Sitting having a pint here hope your not working to hard!
Day 7 Friday 08/05/2015

Kinlochleven to Fort William 14 miles Total 96 miles.

Today we leave Kinglochleven heading for Fort William.
The sun is beating down as we leave and we are no sooner out the village when we take a right into the trees and an almost vertical ascent. 
Once we climb out of the village the rocky path leads us through the valley heading to Fort William.
Today is a long day as we wait for the finish line.
The last two miles a killer on tarmac and by the time we reach Fort William our feet are on fire.
We all meet at the Nevis pub and celebrate a great week walking.

We Have Done it !

Ben Nevis Tomorrow

Now for a pint😉
Day 8 Saturday 09/05/2015

Ben Nevis Climb

Thought I would bag a wee Munro before heading home!

Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in the British Isles. Standing at 1,344 metres (4,409 ft) above sea level, it is located at the western end of the Grampian Mountains in the lochaber area of the Scottish Highlands close to the town of Fort William.

Now there is one?

Today I leave the hostel early heading for the base of "The Ben".
Martin was joining me but after a heavy night last night he has decided to stay in bed so the old man is on his own!

What a day to finish the trip the sun is beating down and I am looking forward to reaching the summit.
A short taxi ride to Glen Nevis Youth Hostel and I cross the road to the start.
As soon as I cross the bridge from the Glen Nevis Youth Hostel it's a very steep climb.
Some people are heading down from doing the three peaks 24hr challenge and are able to give advice on conditions at the top.
The views are stunning and one guide (West Highland Way by Charlie Loram) described this as being better than your first sexual experience!
Once I hit the snow ridge it becomes very slippy and difficult but further on this gets better.
Once I get to the top I am amazed and spend some time in the silence I have never experienced before.
It's such a clear day and with blue sky's and the sun out I am still in my tee shirt. After having lunch two hours too early I head down.
The helicopter is overhead and I hear two people are getting airlifted off with head injuries I wish them well.

After a well deserved pint it's time to head to the train for my 4 hour journey to Glasgow.

Martin is staying on for another night with the Germans we met on route.

We also heard that Derek, Kenny and Mark are still heading for the finish they are now at Kinglochleven unfortunately Tom had to go home.

Best of luck guys!

Big thanks to Martin, Conny, Derek, Kenny, Mark,Tom and everyone I met for your company along the Way.

Climbing out of Glen Nevis
Climbing out of Glen Nevis
Feeling on top of the world
Feeling on top of the world

We have met people from:-

Thanks or my present and letter Conny will send the pictures on x.
Thanks or my present and letter Conny will send the pictures on x.
Big thanks to my wife Kerry for the cake and putting up with me 😉x.
Big thanks to my wife Kerry for the cake and putting up with me 😉x.

My Kit

Jam GoLight rucksack 0.96kg
Karrimor X1 Tent 2.00Kg 
Jetboil and Gas 1.2Kg 
Sleeping Bag and liner 1Kg 
Exped Mat UL7 0.66Kg 
Clothes Including waterproofs and flip flops 1.24Kg 
Toiletries Including the Famous Dr Bronner Magic Soap and towel 0.280Kg 
First Aid and Hygiene including folding shovel 1Kg 
Power Monkey Solar panel and Phone 0.86Kg 
Misc including knife torch compass maps 1.06Kg 
Food Snacks mug etc 2.8Kg 
Water bottles plus 1 litre of water = 1Kg. 1.28Kg 
Walking poles 0.56Kg 

Total weight includes tent footprint and water 

16Kg = 35.3Lbs all Approximate  

Water weight will go up and down throughout the walk. 

I am going to attempt to lower the pack weight by using the formula if it can't be used for at least two jobs then it doesn't come with me 
I will keep you posted but think it's quite basic already!